Category : Source of Information
Subcategory : Universities - Technical Universities
Record 1 to 25 from 26

1. Mineral Resources Forum (MRF):
Natural Environment - Mineral resources
 Mineral Resources Forum (MRF) is a platform for international cooperation on the theme of minerals, metals and sustainable development. MRF aims to bring together governmental and intergovernmental actors, resource companies and other concerned parties from academia and civil society.
2. Ecosystem Productivity and Sustainability:
Development - Sustainability - Primary production
 The Ecosystem Productivity and Sustainability website presents the Fundamental Concepts of Carbon Cycling and Energy Flow.
3. National Environmental Education Advancement Project:
Environmental Education - Programs - Activities
 The National Environmental Education Advancement Project (NEEAP), located at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, is a national organization which aids state and local environmental education leaders in promoting their environmental education efforts, and develops informational items on building state capacity for environmental education.
4. Center for Global Environmental Education (Hamline University):
Environmental Education - Centers for environmental education
 CGEE specializes in combining environmental education with cutting-edge distance learning technology, while integrating hands-on learning to build community among students and teachers world-wide. Being a part of the Graduate School of Education, CGEE is able to take advantage of the best educational methodologies born of Hamline University's extensive teacher training experience.
5. Center for Global Environmental Education (Hamline University) web-page on "Rivers of life":
Natural Environment - Rivers
 Rivers of Life provides students, teachers, and citizens with exciting opportunities to celebrate the many ways rivers enrich our world, to investigate river mysteries, and to take action on behalf of rivers that need our help.
6. Center for Global Environmental Education (Hamline University) web-page on WaterShed Resources:
Natural Environment - Water resources
 The WaterShed Partners by their very nature are an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning more about the watershed in which they live. Because we are based in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area, our expertise is focused around the Mississippi River and the metro streams that flow into it. However, much of that knowledge can be used in any watershed or it can help steer you in the right direction to find the exact answers to your questions.
7. Cornell University - Controlled Environment Agriculture Information Resources 1996:
Development - Sustainability - Agriculture
 This partial listing is not intended to endorse or discriminate against any organization or resource. Asterisks (*) mark resources judged to be the most up-to-date or comprehensive.
8. Cornell Work & Environment Initiative:
Development - Sustainability - Industrial areas
 The Cornell Work and Environment Initiative (WEI) was established in 1992 to address environmental issues connected to the worksite, affecting employers, workers and their communities. The program involves management, trade unions, government as well as environmental and community organizations to achieve creative solutions.
9. Sustainable Horticulture Website at the University of New Hampshire:
Development - Sustainability - Horticulture - Gardening
 This site describes research and education on sustainable horticulture.
10. Centre for Construction and Environment:
Anthropogenic Environment - Construction materials
 The website of the Centre for Construction and Environment, which fosters the implementation of sustainability principles into the creation of the built environment internationally, is composed of the following references and links and offers sources of information recommended to learn more on ecological building proponents.
11. European Wave Energy Research Network:
Energy - Wave energy
 The European Wave Energy Research Network was created under the Preliminary Actions of the JOULE Programme in 1992. The purpose of this Network is to provide information relating to Wave Energy research in the European Union and throughout the world.
Biosphere - Ecogeography (Biosphere)
 This is the Remote Sensing and Ecological Geography section of the Department of Physical Geography Stockholm University
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Meteorology
 This is the LINKS OF INTEREST IN METEOROLOGY by ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE which has started its independent WWW site with its own domain On January 6, 1999.
14. California’s Natural Hot Springs:
Quality of Life - Mineral Baths (Hot springs)
 California’s Natural Hot Springs is Steve Karl’s page that is located in the web page of California State University of Fullerton. It provides a lot of information through maps, pictures and books about Natural Hot Springs in USA and especially in the state of California.
15. Understanding Wine and Beer:
Quality of Life - Wine production
 This is The “Understanding Wine and Beer” page located in Cornell University’s webpage on Food Science and Technology section. It provides a lot of interesting information on wine production and understanding.
16. Journal of Political Ecology: Case Studies in History and Society:
Political Ecology - Movements - Ecological (green) parties
 Journal of Political Ecology is a peer reviewed journal which begun in 1994 and welcomes submission in English, French and Spanish from a broad range of disciplines and hopes to encourage research into the linkages between political economy and human environmental impacts. It is provided free and supported by the Political Ecology Society (PESO).
17. University of Minnesota / Environmental Health & Safety (Improving the quality of our work and study environment):
Pollution - Wastes - Hospital wastes
 This is the web page of the Environmental Health & Safety Department of the University of Minnesota. The “Program Areas” section provides a lot of information about biohazard wastes, hazardous wastes, radiation, indoor air quality, working environment, food and other topics.
18. The Center for Clean Products and Clean Technologies:
Technology - Clean Technologies
 The Center for Clean Products and Clean Technologies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, under the direction of Gary Davis, focuses on pollution prevention through design and manufacturing processes with the environment in mind.
19. James Rennell Division Meteorology Team:
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Meteorology
 The Research of the Meteorology Team concerns the surface fluxes of heat, water and momentum over the global ocean.
20. Michigan Environmental Education:
Environmental Education - Centers for environmental education
 Welcome to the Michigan EE Web Site! We are currently under development and adding to our site every day. Your patience is appreciated. We hope to make this site a valuable clearinghouse of Michigan-related environmental education information.
21. Cornell University - Department of Horticulture:
Development - Sustainability - Horticulture - Gardening
 The Department of Horticulture serves professionals, students and citizens of New York State, the nation, and the world, by generating and extending knowledge about fruits, vegetables and landscape plants, for the purpose of sustaining the environment, enhancing economic vitality, and improving the quality of life of individuals and their communities.
22. Asia Pacific Center for Environmental Law:
Science - Knowledge - Rationalism - Environmental law (Science - Knowledge - Rationalism)
 The Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law was established on 15 February 1996 by the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore on the initiative of the Faculty of Law and the Commission on Environmental Law (CEL) of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). APCEL is situated in the Faculty of Law and supported by the National University of Singapore. APCEL was established in response to the need for capacity-building in environmental legal education and the need for promotion of awareness in environmental issues. It is currently working closely with IUCN's Commission on Environmental Law, UNEP, the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank Institute, the Singapore Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other institutions in several projects and programmes.
23. CLEMANCE Clean Environmental Management Center:
Technology - Clean Technologies
 CLEMANCE Clean Environmental Management Center is an environmental technology transfer organisation based at the University of Teesside. The Centre has been established to provide Clean Technology solutions to industry, in particular to Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs). Clean Technology reduces pollution at source, often leading to significant economic and business benefits to the company concerned.
24. Project Wet Water Education for Teachers:
Environmental Education - Programs - Activities
 The goal of Project WET is to facilitate and promote awareness, appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of water resources through the development and dissemination of classroom-ready teaching aids and through the establishment of state and internationally sponsored Project WET programs.
25. Center for Great Lakes Environmetnal Education:
Environmental Education - Centers for environmental information
 Our Mission... The Center leads awareness of and access to information about Great Lakes environmental subjects by promoting learning links for teachers, students and other stakeholders in the international Great Lakes-St. Lawrence basin ecosystem.

Record 1 to 25 from 26